2024 Highlights #3
Our Mexican tourist visas expired in May, and we returned to the US. We started serving at a few VBS events in a few different churches in June. The kids created a video for a summer camp in East Texas, and we presented at a career fair on missionary life (links to the videos in the comments).
Also, this summer we were honored to partner with Tributary Retreat Center in Arkansas to provide debriefings to multiple families. What is a debriefing, you might ask? It’s an opportunity to discuss past events in a safe environment, ask intentional questions (and games where kids are concerned), find those emotions and events that need processing (even those we didn’t even see ourselves), work through the hard things, find a healthy path forward, learn preventative care for ourselves and our families, to deal with crisis situations…there are so many facets to a good debriefing.
We traveled many hours and miles from our home base in Denton, Texas (where Hope is attending college) to meet with families at Tributary. We also provided a debriefing for a missionary family in Dallas, a much shorter drive. We’ve driven almost 10,000 miles since May to show these families that they are important. As our ’06 suburban with 260,000+ miles stranded us more frequently, we set up a campaign on Give, Send, Go to purchase a more reliable vehicle.
That campaign ends next week. Would you consider a donation so we can continue traveling to and serving those who need our care? https://givesendgo.com/GD9WA?utm_source=sharelink…
![May be an image of 6 people, people smiling and text](https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/468885633_10231541944545683_1852808451379097309_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=aa7b47&_nc_ohc=uOPb1Qyub8IQ7kNvgHGxb15&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&_nc_gid=Ah_RyVW1WQHmZHdTG9SmRIy&oh=00_AYCBFIgdi_HGg6COFPmLgHa4STAZ974MzAnvAiIOCkTvJw&oe=6754450C)
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