Welcome aboard Ankyrios!

Hello friends and welcome aboard our sailing and ministry website! We’re a family of 7 aboard a 38′ catamaran sailing wherever the “wind” blows. The Greek word for wind is pneuma – which is also the same Greek word used for Holy Spirit in the New Testament of the Bible. We’re not only sailing where the wind blows, we’re sailing to where the Holy Spirit is leading us.

We named our sailboat Ankyrios. It’s really just a word we made up but it has great meaning to us. It’s from two Greek words, ankura, translated as anchor, and kyrios, which means Lord. Therefore, we are anchored in the Lord – Ankyrios. Our desire is to help others find and secure their anchor in God. 

Please join us on our sailing adventure wherever God leads us to serve.

The full eclipse at anchor in Mazatlan, Mexico on April 8, 2024.
Sporting our Transformados ministry shirts after our time
working with them in La Paz, BCS, Mexico 2018
At the end of a daysail with missionaries in the Sea of Cortez 2019
After church where Dennis preached in Loreto, BCS, Mexico 2017
“Class Picture” 2016
(Everyone has a snorkeling class, right?)

One thought on “Welcome aboard Ankyrios!

  1. I’ve been called to the same ministry. I’m a chef and mechanic.And have been having the yearning to help children around the world how suffer from malnutrition and sexual trafficking. At this moment we looking for a sailboat to purchase and praying to the lord to help me and my family to make time possible. Well pray for you guys to sinse you are all ready in the journey..if you have any suggestion on how you achieved your goals and how you spread the word and love of God In your travels and love to here your story

    1. Yali, we are thankful that the Lord is calling others to serve in similar ways. There definitely is a need. Thank you for your prayers. We will certainly join you in praying for your future ministry. As for how we got started, I would point you to our post titled “Why Not Now.” It tells about how God orchestrated the purchase of the boat.

    1. So good to meet you as well. We look forward to getting to know all the brothers and sisters here better. Pastor Willy asked me to preach next week so that will be nice.

    1. Thank you! Please pray that the Lord would give us wisdom with regard to movement as well as how best to minister to our missionaries and our fellow boaters.

  2. Hello Ankyrios! I love how similar your boat name is to ours. My family of five lives on Kyrie, our 37- foot catamaran. We’re currently finishing up business in La Cruz, getting ready to set sail for points farther south. I would love it if our paths crossed and we could hear about some of your experiences.

    1. Very cool! We are currently in Puerto Peñasco trying to finalize projects and get in the water this week. We will be in La Paz the end of January and in La Cruz by late February/ early March. So, we probably won’t cross paths. But we’d love to connect. Safe sailing!

  3. Russ and Charleen gave me your website info. I’m the widow of our pastor on a remote island in SE Alaska. Edna Bay Alliance Church and we desperately need a pastor to replace my husband. We are very small, remote and off grid. Beautiful, safe place and good fishing. Please pray for a new pastor for us.
    Thank you for your faithfulness to service our Lord. Doris

    1. Thank you for reaching out. I’m sorry for your loss. We will be praying for you and the rest of our brothers and sisters in Edna Bay.

  4. I love y’all’s ministry! I am sure that the Lord will, and is, doing amazing things through y’all!
    I will continue to pray that you all will continue to bless others.

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