Archives December 2019

Happy New Year 2020!

We want to take a moment to say thank you to those of you that support our ministry both financially and through your prayers. We have a unique opportunity to provide encouragement, counseling, preaching and teaching, training, and an extra set of hands to missionaries, pastors, chaplains, as well as expats and other boaters. We are also able to share the Gospel and our lives with unbelievers around us.

Supporting our ministry means you are also supporting:
-Church plants
-Youth ministries
-Prison ministry
-Home churches/Bible studies/discipleship for new believers
-Orphanages/abandoned children
-Transition homes for those aging out of orphanages
-ESL classes and job training to provide opportunities to youth and young adults
-Homeless ministry
-Operation Christmas Child
-Retreat centers
-Summer camps
-Building projects (schools, churches, homes)
-Addiction recovery ministries

In multiple places, such as:
-Mexico – Baja Sur, Sonora, Jalisco, Nayarit, Chiapas
-El Salvador
-Nicaragua – San Juan del Sur
-Costa Rica – Guanacaste, San José
-United Kingdom
-United States
-And many other locations as we meet and build relationships with missionaries serving around the globe.

All of our financial support goes to make it possible for us to reach these missionaries – to ensure the safety, security and reliability of our boat, taxis to ministries, and the occasional marina stay if the missionaries are inland. We do not take a salary for ourselves, nor do we use any of the funds for our personal needs (food, clothing, medical, homeschooling). We have exhausted our savings over the last few years, but we continue as we know this is what God has called us to do. We currently receive about $1200/month. We estimate our yearly ministry needs to be $35,000, less than $3000/month. Without the infrastructure of more traditional ministries, we have a broader reach and more impact with substantially less investment.

Our current plans for 2020 include ministries in Quepos and San Jose, Costa Rica; San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua; Puerto Vallarta, Guadalajara, La Paz, Loreto, and Puerto Peñasco, Mexico.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us this coming year?
Financial support (one time or monthly) can be given online through

San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua is a beautiful place. The local people are so genuine. I became friends with a woman named Brenda that sells bracelets and other souvenirs. We’ve talked many times in the last few weeks. Last night she hugged me and said she was sad I was leaving. Those that we met at the church are so sweet and kind. We ran into two in town yesterday and they were genuinely happy to see us. I was excited that we held our own in our Spanish conversation! I love the culture of hugs and kisses on the cheek. We’re all hot, sweaty, but everyone hugs each other anyways. There are many wonderful expats here too (mostly Canadians) and we’ve loved getting to know so many. We’ve enjoyed spending time with the pastor and his family, encouraging them in their challenging ministry to young men with addiction problems. Dennis was able to help out preaching a couple of times. Last week Dennis rescued two kids from the water that swam out too far while chasing a soccer ball. God planned all along for us to stop here, and we are thankful. We’ll miss this place and its people, but it’s time to head to Costa Rica and get this engine fixed. We’re currently planning to head back north towards Mexico after the repairs and hoping to stop here again.
One of my favorite things here is this statue of Jesus Christ above the bay, Cristo de La Misericordia, Christ of Mercy. The statue has served as my point of reference many nights when the wind picks up. By looking towards Jesus, I knew we were staying in place. Our anchor was holding.
Shouldn’t it always be that way in our lives? We look towards Jesus. He is unmovable. He should be our focal point. We know if we’re living right based on where we are in relation to Jesus. Have we moved away from Him? He’s always there, waiting for us to turn towards Him. His arms are open. Jesus is merciful. Jesus en ti confío. Jesus, I trust in you.
